Projects are the final result

A beneficial effect on the user's well-being and the space.


Bar Income

Projects are challenges.

Smaller, larger, private, public, minimalistic, prestiegeous, national, and international. Technically thought-through, sophisticated in design, rational, and responsible.

Avstrijska ambasada

Projects are reflection, an idea, and a concept.

The designing process starts during the introductiory meeting and takes place between the creator of space, the client, and us, light designers. Based on what was already set, we try to define the frameworks of solutions, which correspond to aesthetics, comfort, functionality, and the financial framework. 

Time Brewery

Projects are light calculations and feelings.

The selection of a light fixture for a specific room is not random, it is supported by calculations, since not every lamp fits in every room. The shape of the fixture is important, once appropriate amount of light has been determined. 


Projects are planning.

The contrast between darkness and light, and the changing colors of light allow the user to determine the orientation and significance of an individual space. Carefully planned lighthing affects the comfort of living.


Projects are the choice of lightning fixtures.

Light affects our mental and physical well-being, reduces stress in the body, improves metabolism, and allows intimacy. Therefore, the choice of quality lighting fixtures with known origin and clear manufacturing traceability is an important part of the light planning process.

Company data

Svetlarna, d. o. o.